Critical Home Repairs

Habitat for Humanity of Delaware & Union Counties was recently awarded a grant that provides funds to offer critical home repairs that require no repayment!

Critical Home Repairs
These critical home repairs are available to homeowners in Delaware & Union Counties with income below 80% of the county median income. Repairs can be up to $15,000. The grant stipulates that the majority of the funds benefit households containing one person with a disability or that is 65 years or older.
The repairs made in this program will require no repayment and will continue to be offered until all available grant funds have been depleted.

Eligible critical home repairs enhance the accessibility of a home, protect the health and safety of the residents, or allow the residents to continue living in the home when they would otherwise be unable to.
Wheelchair ramps
Grab bars & other accessibility improvements
Furnace repair or replacement
Water heater repair or replacement
Driveway improvements necessary for safety and/or accessibility
*We may have the flexibility to approve projects not on the eligible project list if those improvements enhance the health, safety, or accessibility of the occupants.

Is my home eligible for these repairs?
Do you own and reside in the home that needs repairs? Is it located in Delaware or Union County?
Does the combined annual income of all household members fall below the income limits listed below?
Are you able to share financial documentation for all household members? (We collect this information ONLY for the purpose of determining eligibility for the program)