accepting homebuyer applications
July 1st - 31st

children of homeowners are 116 percent more likely to graduate from college compared with children in families who do not own their homes
home equity represents the largest proportion of wealth (34.5%) for US households
homeowners have an average net wealth 400% higher than renters with similar demographics and earnings in the US

Habitat homeowners pay an affordable mortgage with 0% interest

How do you qualify to purchase a home with Habitat for Humanity?
Habitat homes are not free gifts - they are sold with a 0% interest mortgage. That’s why each family must demonstrate a steady income between 40-80% of the county median income.
Future homeowners in our program are required to invest 300 hours of sweat equity, which involves volunteering on construction sites, at our ReStore, and taking home buyer education classes.
You must demonstrate that your current housing is inadequate, unsafe, unaffordable, or unhealthy. Demonstration of need may include structural defects, overcrowding, or being cost-burdened in current rental.

Homeownership offers a strong foundation for building a brighter future
We partner with hard-working low to moderate income families to help them build and purchase their own homes. After each home has been completed, it is sold with a 0% interest mortgage and an affordable monthly payment of 25% of the new homeowner’s gross monthly income.
We believe everyone deserves a place to call home. An affordable home quickly becomes a launching point for families as they have more resources to put toward better food, further education, and healthcare.
goodbye rental
hello ownership

We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law.
It is illegal to discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.
All applications received will be reviewed by the Habitat for Humanity of Delaware & Union Counties Homeowner Selection Committee. All final determinations regarding the selection or denial of Applicants will be made by the Habitat for Humanity of Delaware & Union Counties Board of Directors.